Thursday, October 23, 2008

"A Purple Pineapple, is a Happy Pineapple!!!!!!!!!" By: Freddie (Fat Ass Freddy)

Hello guys! today i got to take sami's computer! yahhhh! so anyway idk what we are going to talk about today......... apperently sami found a puppy in her back yard last night and wanted me to tell you that he was cute (SHE was soooooooooo cute! like omg cute! and so soft!)....... so ya.... today i'm going to find a pic of a purple dog! so here is one.........




This is what happens when a dog eats a purple pineapple! ........ i left one out last night..... and my dog found it and you know dogs........... they eat everything......... so ya........ now i have a purple dog............ so ya.............
ok well i don't know what to talk about.............. have you ever played Rock, Paper, Siccors, the mean way!?!?!?!?!.......................... you haven't........ oh well let me tell you how..........
ok so how you play is you have at least 2 people..... what you do is you play rock, paper, sissors, then shoot..... and who ever beats you gets to take there index finger and there middle finger and shove it up your...... jk lol............ no they get to take those fingers and hit you on the arm.... so in thepart of the arm between your elbow and wrist..... and on the side where your palm is.... and if you beat them then you get to hit them..... its fun but killes........ it is the best when you play with like 5 or more kids.......... so ya...! my arm is killing me....... lol!
so ya! welll sorry todays was short but we got to go! LaTER!!!!!!!!!
Fred, Sami, and Makayla!!!!

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