Monday, October 27, 2008

"A.S.A.P. means....... A Sexy Ass Pineapple"

Hey yall what up! well were still here! ya and me and sami just finished playing 3D pacman!!!! its awsome and gay at the same time.... so ya!!! anyway....... ya idk what were going to talk about today! let me ask sami!!!!!!........ Sami!

(Sami- uh...................................................................freddy you freak my out........SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry we are having a wara over here. Freddy is just plain wrong.............. like omg, freddy shut up! and the quote of the day, if it's A.S.A.R.P. means a sexy ass RED pineapple............ Awww, freddy just called me an A.S.AP...............WOW freddy don't go that far! freaky! wait till tonight! lol jk. not with you.)

what does that mean!?!?!??!! i get plunty of action cuase i'm alos a A.S.A.P!!!!!!!!!

(Sami- i get way more and you know it :) ........omg you scare me! i can't stop laughing!)

ya IIIII know it......... lol!!!!!! your most of my action!!!!!! in my dreams........... lol!!!!! JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJk!

(Sami- Freddy my action goes to some one else and you know it! lol jk......STOP TOUCHING ME!!!! YOU ARE FREAKING ME OUT!!!!!!!!!)

please..... im not doing anything........ your moms the one touching you! lol!!!! so ya! we are going to talk about............ school! i enjoy school because i get to do stuff like this and hang with my friends!! but the classes suck!!!!!!!! we got to go! later!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"A Purple Pineapple, is a Happy Pineapple!!!!!!!!!" By: Freddie (Fat Ass Freddy)

Hello guys! today i got to take sami's computer! yahhhh! so anyway idk what we are going to talk about today......... apperently sami found a puppy in her back yard last night and wanted me to tell you that he was cute (SHE was soooooooooo cute! like omg cute! and so soft!)....... so ya.... today i'm going to find a pic of a purple dog! so here is one.........




This is what happens when a dog eats a purple pineapple! ........ i left one out last night..... and my dog found it and you know dogs........... they eat everything......... so ya........ now i have a purple dog............ so ya.............
ok well i don't know what to talk about.............. have you ever played Rock, Paper, Siccors, the mean way!?!?!?!?!.......................... you haven't........ oh well let me tell you how..........
ok so how you play is you have at least 2 people..... what you do is you play rock, paper, sissors, then shoot..... and who ever beats you gets to take there index finger and there middle finger and shove it up your...... jk lol............ no they get to take those fingers and hit you on the arm.... so in thepart of the arm between your elbow and wrist..... and on the side where your palm is.... and if you beat them then you get to hit them..... its fun but killes........ it is the best when you play with like 5 or more kids.......... so ya...! my arm is killing me....... lol!
so ya! welll sorry todays was short but we got to go! LaTER!!!!!!!!!
Fred, Sami, and Makayla!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Purple can be sour, Pinapple can be sweet, Pink can be tart, but together they become RAPITS!!!! lol! no not really they just become RADICAL!!!"

Hey guys!!!!! do you like the Quote for today!?!?!?! i came up with it....... but Sami made me change it to Radical....... Gosh sami......(Sami-it's not my fault you like that kind of action freddy and i don't)....... What's that supposed to mean......... just because you don't get any action doesn't mean that u have to be mean to people that do get action..... even if it is being........ anyway....... ya so today we are going to talk about what happens when you eat pineapple....... the follwing pictures are what happens to deer when they eat a rotten pineapple..... it turns them .......welll here, you can just see for yourself.... so we are going to put one pic at a time and comment.... so be patient...... here we go.....



(Sami- He's sooooooooooooooooo cute! and only six inches tall! hes is so adorable! ....He looks kinda like a bug)

This deer is only inches talll! How cute.............

(Makayla-aww so cute, i want to take him home!)



Ok ...... so this is what happend to me this weekend after i ate a ROTTEN PURPLE PINEAPPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!




ya.... isn't that embarrasing............... ok.... so ya...... well we are going to so ya............... come back Thursday for another post........ BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Sami-bye bye)
(Makayla- Later!!!)

Friday, October 17, 2008

"Your only a puple pineapple if you believe you are........♥♦♣♠

Hey sorry! sami was impatient! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ha ha ha ha! so any way ya its me Fat ass freddy! lol actually i'm skinnier than makayla and sami so ya.. don't ask how i got my nick name....... anyway todays Quote as you can see is very interesting.......... well ya.... so todays first picture that we aqre going to talk about is...........

This one!........... we sorta made it..... ya! so i like this because its well a pineapple and its also very purpleish-e........... ya............ lets see what Sami says about this.....

(Sami- I'm like sooooooooooo hungry right now! Purple pineapple pie sounds really good right now...with purple pineapple pudding and purple pineapple pasta with extra purple pineapple peporoni's...... dont ask............. )

very interesting..... now lets see what Makayla says...........

(Makayla-awesome its so blue and purple, i love it why can't all pineapples be this cool?! this is one sweet pineapple........ ok someone else can talk now...... bye...... ok any time now...... FREDDIE!!!! you talk!!!)

Pushy......................... anyway......... ya so how are you today........... good good........... really how funny lol! i wish i was there.............. oh i remember this one time when i got hit by a parked car...... it hurt........ don't calll me a idiot......... thats not very nice.................... oh........ do you talk to your grandmother with that mouth................ oh............. stop......... Stop............ STop................STOp................... STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh welll ya you are sucha B****.... and a mother F***ing W****........ sory for my foul language mother if your reading..... don't ground me....... any way lets Sami find another picture...

(Sami-Sorry i had to kick him off the keybored....)

(Sami-Yummy. Purple pineapples with some punk-u-all(Freddy came up with that 'word' by the way) friuts on the side...that sounds sooo goooooood. Yep Yep Yep)
ok........ my turn and yes i came up with Punk-u-all.... isn't it awsome..... so ya i like this photo.... its amazing and awsome.... sami did a good job of finding it........ so ya.... Makayla's turn......
(Makayla-wow that's..... busy it's making my head hurt... too much, too much brightness i say! it's so cool but it is just so wierd it's like hurting to look at it!)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"on the outside the pineapple may be purple, but on the inside, its a pretty pink!"

So that was our quote for today..... ya.... so ya Hi its Fat Ass Freddy here! and sami and makayla here....... sorry for my absence.............. but ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so my tennis regionals we did our best.... but the other teams were better... so ya! anyway.. i just wanted to let you guys know that we didn't forget about this.... so ya! Ill log on tonight and upload a image and talk about it... later...... sami and makayla says byebyebyebyebyebyebye~

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hola me amigo's it's makayla today at the purple pineapple 2. Sadly Freddy will not be joining us today he has gone to hopefully a better place.... tennis regionals! (Sami- Stupid Man's Tennis...) it's going to be a bit chilly out there for the guys, Good Luck! So it's just Sami and I here, and at the end of this segment we'll have our first ever quote of the day.

(Sami- So Freddy left us today...stupid tennis... But other wise today isn't much. We did how ever find the Pineapple House! And the inside is all purple! everything! The tiles on the floor are purple, the carpet, the table, the chairs, the couch, the beding, etc. it's all PURPLE!!!!!! it is awsome!... and it's pretty :) So you should look at it!)

10.....9....8....7....6....5....4....3......2....1 (here we go).... 0!!!!!.....


Oh and aslo we are going to start a Quote of the day!!!!!!!!!!(Freddy's idea) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So today is "Pineapples are pretty and punctual in purple." By the famous Freddy

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Howdy yall! Makayla and Sami are here too. (Sami-hello peoples! how's life? oh and makayla won't be talking today. She will just be doing motions. She is seeing if she can go the whole day without speaking. Ya, whatever.)...(Makayla- *waves hello*) ................ so anyway ya! we just got finished eating otter pops! there good except for the purple ones. ask sami why! oh and she also has a blog out if you go to the following adress. you can see it. : but make sure you come back! because this one is better than hers! Lol! so ya! today we are going to give our oinions on 2 purple pineapple pics. lets see the first one.......


so this one is .... is..... well lets have Sami start talking about what she thinks about this one..... sami....

(Sami- Awww! It's so cute! It's wierd and different and PURPLE!!! I love it! It's so out of the not normal! LOOOOOOOOOve it! It's sooooooooo colorful! The pretty purple pineapple is pretty...*Giggle* and it's purple )

(Makayla- like the people here at the purple pineapple it stands out, it's not afraid to be different and we here are deffinatly different! it is cool cause it... it is... well its purple and how is that not awsome!!!! i will now let some one else type now back to being silent bye-bye)...(Sami) She didn't reallly say anything she just stole my keyboard. So don't be fooled :)- )

So.... now its back to me yes me, Freddy or Freddie or Fred or Frederick or Fb or Fbb or The Fredmister.... Sami came up with that one... and it can go on forever... anyway.... my comment on this is... you ready....... u suree...... ok.... i think is is ok.... it is so out ot the ordinary, it makes me want to kill it because i feel so bad for it........ so ya!.

Ok next photo.....



Ok... so I'm going to start this time.... well i think that the parents are sort of deppressed..... i mean look at this purple pineapple baby!...........its so much hotter/cuter than the parents... that there jelouse......... so ya! i wish i looked/ look half as good as that purple pineapple baby.... Sami and Makayla......... don"t comment on that........ about the me wishing i looked/ look half as good........ so ya here is Sami...........

(Sami- Freddy you wish! Any ways... I think the kid is cute. S/he is purplishes and sweet like pineapples! See! So we name him/her our purple pineapple baby!)

(Makayla- *thumbs up*)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome to the Purple Pineapple 2!!!!

Greetings from the people who thought of the Purple Pineapple. Hi i'm Fred and on my left is Sami (Sami-hello peoples! Of the Purple Pineapple Land!), and on my Right is Makayla (Makayla-*waves* XP-which is purple) So..... anyway...... ya! we're in school right now really bored and still have 30 minutes of class. so ya.... this blog is all about Purple Pineapples!!!! so if you love the color Purple (sami does), and the fruit, Pineapple (Freddy does) then you have come to the right place (Makayla has). This blog will self destruct in 5 seconds. 5......4.......3....(u better duck)...2.5...(i'm telling you.... runnnnn!)...2...(Sami- Run for the bloody hills!)......1... (watch out!).......0.5.............


............................... 0!!!!!!!!......................






Hahaha... just kidding!
( Mr. Stecina-JK!!!! LOL!!!) aka. our teacher for this class....(Sami-well no duh we here just kidding. Cause you didn't run nor was there a big boom!) so ya! anyway this blog is about purple pineapples and has plenty of pics! of purple pineapples and us.......